Newton talks about shit

70% of my body is made of video games.

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an attempt at a shortest possible tekken mechanics guide (WIP)

hello everyone. with tekken picking up popularity, this guide is meant to be a crash course of sorts for tekken’s general system, with just enough info for new players to pick up and get into the thick of the game rather than spending ages reading multi-page infodump tutorials and still not making sense of much of anything.

for most cases a link to a more comprehensive tutorial is provided for the reader to explore at their own pace. do note that this guide is still being worked on, so changes will happen frequently, especially once tekken 7 is released.


03-11-2016 : published


1 : lp
2 : rp
3 : lk
4 : rk

f : towards the opponent
b : away
u : up
d : down
n : neutral
diagonals are indicated by a combination of above, e.g. df or d/f
if the above are written in capitals, you have to hold the input.

ws : while standing
wr : while running

+ : inputs are pressed...

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